Xert Breakthrough Programming
Xert Breakthrough Programming – Building a workout to achieve a breakthrough!
Today I’m building a workout, first through Excel, then through the Xert Workout Builder, to create 5 by 1-minute intervals, to help me visualize the average power necessary to achieve a breakthrough. I’m trying to program surpassing 356 watts over 5 minutes.
Here’s the link:
Don’t forget to register for the Webinar this next weekend, which will happen RIGHT AFTER my effort on the 30th of January!
Enjoy the ride!
Xert Daily Ditty – Using Intensity to Achieve Your Weekly Suggested FOCUS.
In Today’s Xert Daily Ditty, I’m showing how sliding the Freshness Feedback bar changes the suggested workout and intensity, and how the past two days of workouts affected my Weekly FOCUS.
I’m also going to talk about using the Xert TTE-TTR Field to achieve a Suppressed and a Depressed MPA during workouts.
Enjoy the Ride!