Garmin Sleep Tracker - "It's Not the Night Before That Matters. It's All the Nights Before That."

Where Cyclists and Triathletes get Faster/Stronger/Leaner/Sooner
The Moxy Monitor gives cyclists a better window into their body, and how the body responds to intervals and recovery. When we use the Moxy for warmup observations, we end up with a higher saturated muscle oxygen (SMo2), and a higher Total Hemoglobin Count (ThB). You want this higher SMO2 and ThB, because it is the electrical equivalent of “Volts”, and “Amps”, on a battery. With Watts, you have a more complete picture!
My wife, Tracy Christenson, was the model for this video, and after the warmup, she performed two 6-minute intervals, just below her predicted Functional Threshold Power. The Moxy Monitor’s SmO2 and ThB information provided there was also very instructional.
Watch the Video to learn more.