Return to Reno – Fresh Air, Open Roads, Singletrack and Jeep Trail out the Front Door.

Hey everyone – Rich here, writing from my home studio in Reno, Nevada.
After 18+ long months where my wife, dogs and I left Reno, moved to Pueblo, CO, realized it was a wrong move, and then moved all the way back and then some, to Sacramento, CA, we finally returned to our beloved home on Peavine Mountain in Reno, NV.
It’s been a journey of stress, adventure, severe depression, fights against ageism, and struggles with income and occupation. I won’t go into the details, but it went beyond frustration. That said, I’m grateful for the time in both areas. We still live in a beautiful country, on a beautiful continent, and I have a family that is stronger than ever. But Reno is home. We’re never leaving again.
VQ Velocity Virtual Studio with Online Bike Coach, Now In Reno

Perhaps the biggest development from late 2022 through early 2023 was the incorporation of the VQ Velocity Virtual Studio into Online Bike Coach. VQ Velocity is the latest development of Drew Hartman, the creator of PerfPro Studio, one of the most robust pieces of training software for cyclists and runners ever created. In the midst of the Covid lockdowns, Drew and another friend, retired Professional Cyclist Robbie Ventura of VisionQuest Coaching and Studios (hence, ‘VQ’), agreed to a buyout of PerfPro Studio. They then worked overtime to build an online platform. The result is VQ Velocity.
With VQ Velocity, I host both LIVE and ON-DEMAND rides, at least 4 days per week. The rides are 60-75 minutes on weekdays, and 90-180 minutes on weekends on a seasonal basis (rain, snow, off-season/pre-season). The rides follow a ‘MesoCycle’, according to Northern Hemisphere seasons. However – EVERY LIVE RIDE is saved, and then available for Replay. The live rides allow for banter between participants, video on/off, audio on/off, and a ‘Scoring’ system that can be shared. This keeps the workouts fun, challenging, and relevant, without revealing watts, calories, or failed intervals. The studio is based out of my home in Reno, and Live Classes are held at 0500, PST (GMT – 7 or 8, depending on the season).
If you’re curious, here’s a link. There’s no cost to you for signing up; we can decide together if you want to register for participation or coaching packages.
Garmin Connect is my Go-To Wellness and Health Platform

As I’ve aged, and my demographic has aged, the crazy pursuit of watts and kilojoules has taken a slight step back. Watts still matter, but the integration of the Garmin Ecosystem, which melds hardware, software, history and slight projections (It’s NOT AI – it’s Empirical Science), gives me the ability to better understand how you, the client, responds to the stimulus of training. Eustress leads to Distress, which leads to adaptation and optimization. Again- watts still matter, but they’re more of an ends to a mean, instead of a means to an end. I’ll be blogging about Garmin Connect, features, and products on a regular basis. If you have questions about ANYTHING Garmin related, send me an email and we can arrange a meeting on Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
Reno – Yes You CAN Go Home Again

We moved to Reno in 2019, but when Covid hit, it made getting involved in the local cycling scene a bit of a challenge. I hope I can change that, with participation in clubs, rides, and instruction. While we were stuck in California, I actually made multiple trips over the Donner Pass to get involved in local politics, and I intend to pursue that with small single-issue discussions and mandates. But my heart is still in cycling, and Reno is our home. Join me on this journey, and let’s make the NEXT 40 years the best they can possibly be.