75 XSS As a Minimum Volume for a Ride Is Showing Some Results

Achieving 75 XSS (Xert Strain Score) points for every ride is leading to some interesting results. While I thought I was being consistent, it’s been a challenge. Most weeks have gone in a “4 rides”, one day off, 3 rides, one day off” approach. Several of my rides have broken the 75 point ‘Floor’, and for a few days in July, I was really on top of my game, despite my signature not moving much at all.
75 XSS as a Training Load
On July 4th, Training Load was right at 52.1 XSS. By July 21st, it had reached 62.1 XSS. The emphasis on 75 XSS rides that are low intensity, aerobic rides, following DFAA1 values, has helped with consistency, along with helping my mental health. I felt more “Fresh” for most rides, and I also used a consistent route to achieve my volume goals.
Looking at the Training Load value from the beginning of my quest, June 20th, I gained at least 18 points.

75 XSS as a floor led to a ramp rate that was healthy and modest for almost a month.

Total XSS was above 450 for each week, and for the first half of July, Polarity Ratio was highly aerobic. I truly did enjoy the 10 hours or more per week. In other words, 75 XSS per Day was working, even though my fitness signature remained fairly static.
I DID achieve a decent breakthrough near the end of July, and I believe I was on track for more gains. Hower….

On July 4th, 2021, a fire caused by lightning started in the forest south of Reno and Carson City, Nevada. It was later named the “Tamarack” Fire.
That same day, a fire began just north of Reno, and it was named the “Beckwourth Complex“.
On July 13th, the “Dixie” fire started after a tree felled a power line, also in Northern California.
The Fires have completely ruined the air in and around the “Great Basin” of Northern Nevada.

Beginning July 22nd, the air became unhealthy, and it has largely stayed like that. To date, I have cycled just five times, and those were on ‘medium hazard’ days.
As a result, I am forced to halt my effort for my goal; 75 XSS in 75 Days. It’s really heartbreaking to see the air so thick, and to read about homes and lives destroyed by these fires. Most have been only slightly contained as winds and weather continue to challenge the firefighters. Several areas where I ride have been decimated by fire. We have purchased an air purifier for the workout room, but it has not yet arrived.
CONCLUSION – 75 XSS, While Arbitrary, Does Lead to a Good Training Load.
I began this effort of 75 XSS for 75 Days to try and determine whether volume alone can improve fitness and wellbeing. Some of that is obvious. I lost weight, raised my DFAA1 based LTP, and slept slightly better. I do believe I was on my way to greater capacity on my Xert Fitness Signature. There was one day, a group ride, where my cycling reminded me of rides from the early 2010’s, when I was younger and stronger. The other riders had a hard time keeping up, and expressed themselves accordingly. It was a tough crowd.
I may try this again if and when the air clears out. It will also be cooler. 75 XSS at a lower fitness signature is easier to achieve than 75 XSS at a higher signature, of course. But I still have goals, and I realize that 75 XSS fits within my time allotment and family and client demands.
Whatever your time availability is, set an XSS goal per day and per week, and ride towards that goal. You’ll be surprised by the fitness that comes from such consistency.
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