Garmin Connect Has A Sleep Tracker That Can Help You Optimize Sleep and Recovery!

Where Cyclists and Triathletes get Faster/Stronger/Leaner/Sooner
Today’s Xert Daily Ditty shows how the Xert “Time-to-Exhaustion, Time-to-Recovery” Field shows timer countdowns and count ups, as wattage is generated while cycling.
Not much is going on this week, since I am tapering, but the Xert “Time-to-Exhaustion, Time-to-Recovery” Field will be integral to my 5MMP Breakthrough Effort.
Thanks for watching, and
OverReaching With Xert
I’m just 10 days out from my “Peak” with the Xert Adaptive Training Advisor and Xert Goals, so it’s important that I push through this period, and OverReach.
An OverReach is about increasing both training volume and intensity, and FOCUSING on the intervals necessary to improve, in this case, my 5MMP power output, to be a true “Breakaway Specialist”.
I slid the “Freshness Feedback” on the Xert Goals window to ’15’, and will perform another 5:00 FOCUS ride today, probably on a wireless trainer.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Webinar that will begin immediately after the 5MMP breakthrough effort, at 1200, GMT – 8, on January 30th. Cost is just $10.99, or you can sign up for the blog at $10 and get all past, current, and future blog posts and webinars. I’ll continue to do this monthly, so let’s learn together!
Thanks again, and ENJOY THE RIDE!
Today’s Xert Daily Ditty shows how important a good night’s rest can be, towards helping you continue your path of Progression.
I slept over 8 hours last night. When I awoke, I adjusted the Xert “Freshness Feedback”, and then, using the new Xert Adaptive Training Advisor recommendations, built a workout that addresses my goal for today.
It follows the “SMART” Protocol.
Don’t forget to register for my webinar on January 30th, where we’ll discuss the results of my efforts as I pursue this 5 Minute “Breakaway Specialist” fitness breakthrough!
Enjoy the Ride!