Garmin Connect HRV Status Is FINALLY Showing Some Improvement – And I’m Feeling It!
This Garmin Connect HRV based Ecosystem Is really getting interesting. I’m literally using just about everything Garmin; The Scale, the Watch, and the Head Unit. I probably ought to buy a Neo 2t and a pair of pedals, but I’m fine for now with my current setup. I know there is debate over the accuracy of NIRS, the validity of the FirstBeat HRV claims, but let’s face it; no other company is showing the commitment to data collection and general health guidelines like Garmin Fitness. It’s not cheap, but I think the long-term gains for overall health and wellness are working. The Garmin Connect HRV Status shows overnight heart rate variability, and I think the combination of regular exercise, a new bed, a more private bedroom, a LOT less alcohol at night, and a LOT more water throughout the day, is leading to better sleep, and better rides.
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Garmin Connect HRV Status Shows How Sleep Is Leading To Better Workouts – and Vice-Versa
Have a look at my 6-month TREND for HRV Status.

Now, here’s the corresponding 28-day trend, which is a bit of a close-up of the 6-month chart.

Is it leading to better results?
Honestly, I don’t yet know. I am confident that my Threshold is improving, and I believe that my Anaerobic Work Capacity is growing. More importantly, I’ve started losing weight, and I just ‘feel’ better, all around. The first chart shows that Vo2 Max is improving, and I think I could probably break 300 watts for 20 minutes if I really tried. But I’m not ready yet to tax my system like that. I want to focus on consistency, and on learning as much from this Garmin Connect ecosystem as possible. There is SO MUCH DATA available!

Garmin Connect HRV Status and Periodization
If you look at my Acute Training Load chart, you may see that the black line, which is a rolling 7-day average of TRIMPS. It’s bouncing near the bottom of the Green zone, known as the ‘Optimal Range’. This is intentional. I’m backing off on the intensity for the week, to avoid a fitness plateau and stale performance. My clients on VQ Velocity are really enjoying this hybrid approach to Physiology and Physics. 8 weeks in, and we’re set for one of our best summers of activity yet. I’ll be attempting a new 20-minute breakthrough next week, along with a new Threshold and Vo2 Max. I like to attempt these indoors, because it’s consistent. But if the HRV Status or Sleep Scores trend in the wrong direction, I’ll listen to my body, and will delay Breakthrough Efforts until I’m recovered and mentally prepared.
HRV Status Is One More Metric That Can Help With a Holistic Approach to Training, Recovery, and Fitness.
I sell these watches. I love these things. Any cyclist who owns a Garmin head unit and is half-serious, needs to be looking at this stuff. I DO think it’s accurate enough and consistent enough to be effective. I can’t wait to see just how fit I can become, with my clients as well. This is my new platform going forward. We’ll be migrating to this HRV-based ecosystem for the majority of our cycling, and then use wattage for those SUPRA-THRESHOLD efforts that require taxing the Central Governing Theory to its’ limits.
Thanks for reading, and ENJOY THE RIDE!