A Family Member Caught Covid-19 and the Garmin Sleep-Time Stress Score Is Pretty Scary

Three and a half years after Covid-19 spread around the world and began infecting humans, a family member finally caught Covid-19, and their Garmin Sleep-Time Stress Score is pretty scary. Sleep-Time Stress uses Heart Rate Variability (or the lack thereof) to help assess the quality of one’s rest and recovery.
I won’t give away too many details, but a family member traveled overseas and upon their return, infected another family member and their entire department at work. I don’t care what people say or think; getting sick is not fun. The individuals HAD been practicing proper defense mechanisms for years. Vaccines, boosters, masking, distancing, limited travel. But inevitably my family suffered exposure, and another family member, someone I had just helped purchase a Garmin Venu 2+ for, so we could track their sleep and hydration, is now suffering from Covid-19.
It’s Still Not Easy To Set These Products Up.
The purchase of the Garmin Venu 2+ was meant to kickstart some health and fitness choices, based on the information that Garmin Connect provides. Specifically, we were interested in:
- Sleep Score
- Sleep-Time Stress Score
- Steps
- Hydration
- and Emergency calling.
All of this can be done with the Venu 2+.
However, and this is a fact that I deal with daily. The Garmin Connect ecosystem is NOT NEARLY AS EASY TO SET UP as its’ Prime Competitor; Apple. Now, I do believe that the information provided is arguably better, but most people just don’t care. They want to set it up in about 2 minutes, and start recording or reading their data.
The good news is that THIS IS WHAT I DO. I set up Garmin head units and watches for and with my clients and family members. With these tools and this ecosystem, I can help make training decisions based on a Holistic approach that is more complete than ever.
My family member was able, with my assistance, to get most of the relevant features up and running. We then were able to immediately begin tracking sleep, blood pressure via a Garmin BP Cuff, and body weight along with hydration status. We are using the Garmin Hydration tracker to help get him to 12 cups of water a day. They’re up to 6700 steps of exercise per day. And most importantly, they were getting their sleeping patterns under control and improving. That part alone is huge. This individual is a direct relation to me, and we both believe that our poor sleep patterns might have a genetic link. When my sleep began to improve via the Garmin Connect system, they became intrigued, which led to this investment.
Pre-Covid Sleep-Time Stress Score
The Images below show a few nights of Sleep-Time Stress Score. The first image was the actual night that this individual was exposed to Covid-19.

First Night With Covid

I think this shows just how much the Covid virus hits the heart. For comparison’s sake, the ‘other’ Garmin Sleep Score on Saturday Night/Sunday Morning read: 75. The score for Monday Night/Tuesday Morning, which is this chart, showed: 12.
The Importance of Early Detection
My family member knew almost immediately that this was no regular cold or flu. This individual has had all of their vaccines and boosters, but suffered a medical emergency in October of last year that left them in poor health that has been a struggle from which to recover. So they took this infection seriously.
An at-home test came back positive on Monday evening, and precautions to prevent further illness were taken. Unfortunately, conflicts regarding just who was this individual’s Primary Care Physician led to NO Paxlovid Prescription until Thursday. They just had to wait this thing out.
They isolated, masked up, and another family member, at risk of infection as well, did stay in the room over night because of the coughing spasms and general misery present as the virus spread and the body’s defenses fought it.
Other family members were alerted, and others were identified as infected and were suffering equally. Unfortunately, I didn’t catch it on Garmin Connect.
Night Two of Garmin Sleep-Time Stress Score With Covid-19

A Remedy
On Tuesday afternoon, after multiple calls to different doctors, my family member was able to successfully arrange for a Steroid shot, as well as a steroid in oral form, in the hopes that that would tilt the balance in their immune system in favor of the body, instead of the virus. Again – the individual had all available shots and boosters, all mRNA-based.
The effect was witnessed over the next several days. By Wednesday afternoon, the perception of illness broke, the coughing abated, and the individual was able to get some rest. Here’s the chart, along with some notes.

Breaking Through To Normal
By Thursday, it appeared that the illness had abated. I’m not going to proselytize about vaccines, boosters, or fortitude or constitution. What I am interested in is the way that this illness hit the heart in a serious way, and how it was recorded using wrist-based Heart Rate Variability (HRV). They received Paxlovid on Thursday, which was basically too late. Thursday Night/Friday Morning’s overnight Garmin Sleep Stress Score ended up coming down to ’19’, and Sleep Duration was good, almost 7 hours. This is more normal for this individual, pre-Covid.

Garmin Sleep-Time Stress Score Can Help Identify and Guide You Through This Virus And Others
The sad news here is that my family member DID end up infecting their partner. Again, this other individual had had their shots and boosters. I have NOT gotten their Garmin Sleep -Time Stress Score, but that individual also has a Garmin Venu 2+: we just haven’t taken the time to get Garmin Connect set up and linked to the phone, etc. That individual is also recovering – their case was mild, they’re on Paxlovid, and never needed steroids.
I guess my point here is this; we’ve got wearable technology that can reveal just what illness is doing to our hearts. Notice that I never even mention Saturated Pulse Oxygen (SpO2) in this post, but that’s ALSO an important metric to measure when ill. I think using overnight Sleep Scores, Hydration tracking, resting pulse and pulse oxygen, and maybe even tracking blood pressure, can help individuals gauge just HOW sick they are, whether that merits an intervention or just rest and electrolytes, and whether the individual is on track for recovery. If the individual is an athlete, this can help with early intervention faster recovery, and maintained overall health and wellness.
Use the Sleep-Time Stress Score when you’re sick and see if it helps you recover faster. Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks for reading, and as always, “ENJOY THE RIDE!”