Travis Pope is a big guy with a big engine. He loves to ride, loves to race, loves Xert, and he loves to train with it. He has been a client for years, but has suffered several crashes that left him on the sidelines. It also affected his training consistency.
But this year has been a different story. Travis has trained consistently. In early June, he bought a Garmin 1000 and began training with Xert Fields.
The Race According to Xert
Xert Profile of Travis Pope's Criterium Win. Note the severe drops in MPA in the middle and the end.
Last night, it all paid off! Here's how Travis used Xert training to turn his hard work into success on the podium.
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Not even a month ago, Xert by Baron BioSystems, released What's My FTP? on the Garmin Connect IQ ecosystem. The premise is simple: if you have a smart Garmin head unit (520, 820, 920, 735, 1000) and an on-bike power meter, you can determine your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) with just a few solid, hard efforts, over a period of time.
I'm always skeptical about new product claims, but given Xert's incredibly short but solid track record of apps that are dead-nuts on, I decided to give What's My FTP a try. I put it to work for two of my clients, and all I can say is Wow—the results are incredible!
Now let's show you how to get the same results for yourself.
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