Now think about it; this was ONE LAP that I was doing OVER and OVER (6 times in 2 days). The temps were roughly the same, the time of day was more or less the same, and the suspension changes were pretty minimal - they probably didn't affect the power output all that much. I believe the important lesson here is that, for myself and my North Texas clients, it's probably important to set our Xert Profiles at "Pursuiter", or even "Road Sprinter", and really work on developing the ability to hit MULTIPLE, HIGHLY INTENSE, SHORT Intervals, over and over again. In many ways, it confirms what I suspected, with clients Randy Gibson, Jason Johnson, Patrick Moneymaker, and others. I had them on rollers, with high drag, and I had them attempt Tabatas, 15-15's, and no more than 30-30's, all pre-season, to build up their anaerobic capacity. They responded with State Cups and wins.
Read on for details, including how to build workouts that can produce the same kind of results for you.