Did I Hit My Goal?
Let’s make February a Month for Breakthroughs!
Thanks for watching, and Enjoy the Ride!
Where Cyclists and Triathletes get Faster/Stronger/Leaner/Sooner
Xert has zones that flex with time spent above Threshold. When you bite into HIE, the Xert Dial responds by reducing the band of yellow or orange, and expanding the Purple arc, which is theoretically not possible to surpass. When you do, it’s a BREAKTHROUGH!
But the fascinating thing about this video is that the Vo2 values, during the effort and even into recovery, show how effective this type of workout really is; my Vo2 values stayed ABOVE 80% of Vo2max, for several minutes, and THAT is what improves HIE and “Suffer” ability. Xert properly displays this on the video in the colored arcs. Therefore, you’re looking at the PHYSICS of PHYSIOLOGY!
I use PerfPro on this type of protocol because the graph is easier to read, and it shows me values which I had turned off at the time of recording. The Xert Dial is moved over from the Xert Remote Player, which is a VERY useful tool.
Thanks for watching. Don’t forget to register for the webinar on January 30th at 1200, gmt-8, and we’ll review the 9 weeks of progression, as well as the 5MMP breakthrough effort!
Today’s Xert Daily Ditty shows how the Xert “Time-to-Exhaustion, Time-to-Recovery” Field shows timer countdowns and count ups, as wattage is generated while cycling.
Not much is going on this week, since I am tapering, but the Xert “Time-to-Exhaustion, Time-to-Recovery” Field will be integral to my 5MMP Breakthrough Effort.
Thanks for watching, and
I’m just five days out from my Peak Performance, and it’s time for the Xert Taper.
I’m switching the Xert Improvement Rate MANUALLY down to “Taper”. I thought that Xert would do this automatically, but it’s provided a “Hazard” sign informing me that it would be appropriate to do this.
Next, I’ll be building the actual Breakthrough workout for the effort!
Don’t forget to sign up for the webinar, or the blog, and we’ll review the 9 weeks this Saturday!
Thanks for watching, and Enjoy the Ride!
The Xert Time-to-Exhaustion Field, which I have written about before, is a powerful tool for cyclists who use power. Here’s how I use it.
My upcoming peak is set for a week from now. I’m attempting to break the 5MMP “Breakaway Specialist” value that has been predicted by Xert. When I set my “Time-to-Exhaustion” power right at the 5MMP value, the Garmin can count down to the point where my MPA equals my FTP. If I ride at harder intensities, it will count down faster. If I ride at lesser intensities, the timer won’t move or will move slowly.
Furthermore, there is a “Time-to-Recovery” element that is also quite useful. I have set that to 170 watts, well within my recovery range, and the timer will count down until my MPA reaches “Full” recovery.
I’ll make another video using this field off my bike, so you can watch it in real time.
Thanks for watching, don’t forget to subscribe to the blog , and don’t forget the webinar next Saturday!
Enjoy the Ride!