A Coach Will Help You Salvage A Workout, Better Than Any Prescibed Program
Failing a workout is always frustrating. A good coach will help you understand why, and how, but a great coach will help you get something good out of that workout. This will help you physically, physiologically, and mentally. Let’s find out why.
Just to summarize; workouts exist to help cyclists increase their capacity in the aerobic, anaerobic, and peak power realms. Not every workout has to be hard. Not every workout has to result in a breakthrough. A good ride brings its’ own values. Attempting a breakthrough when a cyclist is already fit gets harder and harder as fitness improves. Cyclists still get results from ‘near-miss’ opportunities. As much as I love Billat 30-30’s, they don’t have to result in a flat MPA at Threshold. The cyclist in the video was ready to quit. He had a lot of things on his mind. Neither he nor I actually get paid to ride. But his perception was that he ‘failed’. Instead, we rallied, and he actually succeeded and became a much more capable athlete as a result.
A Coach will help you realize this. I’ve told the story about the ancient Spartans before, but the summary is titled “Humping the Oak Tree”. I won’t go into details but the end result was a dead kid. The Spartans were cold-hearted. Modern cyclists just don’t need to try and push an Oak Tree over every time they throw a leg over their bike. It’s not meant to be that hard. Xert will show cyclists how much capacity they have, as well as potential. But it doesn’t have to result in failure and frustration.
I Fail Workouts ALL the Time
Even a coach needs a coach. Workouts exist to challenge. They don’t exist to break your spirit. Embrace the fact that limits exist, and work like a mime to expand them out. You’ll be happier, fitter, and will have more fortitude, with a Coach showing the way.
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Critical perspective thank you!
Critical perspective thank you!
We have to re-learn how to enjoy the PROCESS of fitness. Every workout has a lesson, whether it’s consistency, ambition, risk, or the lack thereof. And as you and I know, the second it ceases to be fun, it’s time to reassess and focus on the fun. If it becomes a burden, we have to change something, or everything.