“I’m not getting any better!” (You don’t know how to Suffer!)

I HATE that statement. “Better” is a completely loaded term. It implies perception over analysis, and it’s my job as a coach to be a shrink, a cheerleader, a gentle critic, a cajoler, and an overall positive influence. But what is NOT my job, is to DO THE ACTUAL WORK ON THE BIKE. YOU have to learn how to SUFFER!
I have a client. Low overall Threshold, REALLY low overall HIE, and what I’d call an ARTIFICIALLY low Peak Power. I KNOW this client can do better. But this individual, and I’m going to be harsh here…. This individual DOES NOT KNOW, AND DOES NOT UNDERSTAND, HOW TO REALLY, TRULY, DEEPLY — SUFFER.

Do the Work – Reap the Reward. Suffering is GOOD at times.
Training requires WORK. You USE ENERGY to GENERATE WATTS, and thus – GET FIT. FITNESS gives you the ability to use MORE energy, and generate MORE WATTS, and thus – GET MORE FIT!
But when you don’t DO THE WORK, you don’t GENERATE the POWER, and your FITNESS STAGNATES. It really is that simple.

This individual has everything; Great job, two great kids, expensive bike, extravagant components, custom wheels, Rapha Kit that gets replaced when bike grease inevitably shows up on a jersey pocket. The works. But what this person DOES NOT HAVE, is the ability to SUFFER!

I tell my clients – “You have to suffer like a barefoot Russian in winter!” Hey – they beat Napoleon! You can, too!
Well, there’s a time to suffer; it’s called interval days and it’s meant to be a controlled, “Focused” intensity. Do the work, reap the reward. But some people just…… either don’t want to, or don’t understand just how hard “Work” really is.
“Volume IS Work! It’s not ALL SUFFER(ing!)”
I met with this individual, after they signed up for Xert. I helped them program the head unit. I explained the concept of volume, intensity, frequency, Focus, and fitness breakthroughs.
For TEN WEEKS, this individual’s numbers JUST. KEPT. DROPPING.
I couldn’t figure it out. Until Finally, it dawned on me to try ONE MORE THING.
Click here to see The Breakthrough in Part Two (Premium Content—subscription)